The faculty server blocks blogspot - we can read, but not open our accounts or post replies - and Azeezah's wi-fi broke down recently(maybe its back up now?). BISTRO's wi-fi is ok, but the price there is so maddening that I wouldn't go there just to use the free wi-fi. McD? - BOIKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!
This comes to show that however well we plan, we are always under the suzerainty of Allah's Grand Plan. Humans may plan(and be puffed up to morbid obesity with the delusion of their prowess)...but Allah also has His Plans. And His Plans will always out rule and out maneuver our plans.

Alhamdulillah in the last few days I have had some new gadgets come into my posession which has allowed me to access the internet - virtually 24/7. Lots of love and thanks to mak and ayah for this^^
InsyaAllah from now on, internet access will no longer be a problem.
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